Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Datasoft LogoDescription: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Can Flag

122 Commissioners Road East
London, Ontario, Canada
Tel: (519) 317-2657

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Data-Track: PLC\HMI Reporting Software

Data-Track is a software system written around the Ministry of the Enviroment’s guidelines for the Water and Waste Water industry.

The software polls data from a PLC directly, National Instruments PCI digital\analog cards or from some of
the most popular SCADA graphics software packages.

Internal tags can then be created for the data polled for total, runtime, average, maximum or minimum with a single click.

Internal tags can also be created for manually collected data such as lab results and then entered into the system for one database.

Data collected by the system is viewed by all users through custom reports that you create.
Data can be exported to Excel and historical or real-time trended.


The system can ship complete with Kepware PLC direct drivers for all major PLC brands including Allen Bradley Ethernet\Serial, Modbus Ethernet\Serial and GE Fanuc Ethernet\Serial

The system has direct SCADA drivers for Wonderware, IFix, Cimplicity, RSLinx and RSView.
We can connect with National Instruments PCI cards allowing signals to be directly wired to the PC.

The software is network ready so that data can be viewed from multiple users in your plant.
The software allows user name and password security for the multiple users in your plant.


Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: datatrack